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You’re Pregnant

Where Can You Go For Help?

If you find you are pregnant and it is unintended you do still have choices. You can consider a formal or informal adoption, keep the baby, or discuss a termination with your clinic.

If you have decided you would like to terminate a pregnancy, or you need help because you have already tried to remove a pregnancy, you can visit any of these places for confidential and safe comprehensive advice and care:

A government general or tertiary hospital

You can visit the Obstetrics and Gynaecology department of a general or tertiary government hospital, such as the Kamuzu Central Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Zomba Central Hospital, or Mzuzu Central Hospital at any time.

Reproductive Health Clinics

There are government clinics throughout the country that are registered providers of comprehensive health care. These are just some of the clinics where staff should be able to help:

You can call The Tithandizane helpline on 116 for free advice and to be directed to nearest clinic and health centres. The number is free to call and accessible on all networks.

A termination of pregnancy is illegal in Malawi. However, under special circumstances which includes when the life of the mother in danger.


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