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Who gets HIV more easily?

Is it girls or guys?

Girls are twice as likely to become infected with HIV through unprotected sex than guys. Girls who have sex that is violent, unwanted or forced are the most likely to get HIV.

A study by Avert, an international non-governmental organisation, revealed that women who were beaten or dominated by their partners were much more likely to become infected with HIV than women who were not.

If a young woman’s husband makes the decisions and puts the food on the table, how can she insist her husband use a condom?

Women who are victims of sexual violence have a higher risk of being exposed to HIV. The violent nature of rape means that women are immediately more vulnerable to HIV infection.

Please remember that if you are a victim of sexual violence, you must visit your nearest clinic to get an antiretroviral drug treatment that decreases the chances of HIV infection. You must start it within 72 hours of the rape. It is called PEP or Post Exposure Prophylaxis.


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Type your comment here...to me I can tell him if he dot want then he most just stop having sex with me

7 years, 2 months Ago Report

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