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BadBoy – Feeling so Horny

Can I turn it off?

My mind is racing with the thought of sex. Sometimes I feel aroused without evening thinking about it. Other times, it happens when I am close to a girl that I have a crush on or if I think sexy thoughts. But right now, I feel like it’s got to stop. I really don't want any regrets. I don’t want to wake up in the morning and realise I put myself at risk of a sexually transmitted infection or HIV or make someone pregnant. I am not ready for that! Not at all.

I did some research and here is what I learned: Erections can happen any time for any reason, and sometimes it seems mostly when you do not want them. Suddenly having erections is normal when you are a teenager, even if you aren’t thinking about any sexual. * When erections happen in school or while you talk with a girl you are crushing on, most guys will want to hide it until it goes away to save yourself from embarrassment.

  1. Understand it: Thinking about sex is a natural thing to do. But have a plan to distract yourself, so your erection doesn’t get to its highest point.
  2. Reposition yourself: If you are standing up put your hands in your pockets or sit down. If you are sitting down cross your legs. Also, you can cover your crotch with something you are holding like a book or piece of clothing or go behind a table.
  3. Think about something else: Focus your thoughts on something unpleasant, strange or painful or think about a bad experience you had. Distract yourself with painful thoughts instead of pleasurable ones.
  4. Give yourself mild pain: Do something that doesn’t really hurt, like pinching yourself. It may distract you for a bit.
  5. Go to the toilet: Splash some cold water on your face or do some jumping jacks if you are the only one there. If at home, take a cold shower. Sex brings to mind heat, so ice cold water is one way to turn yourself off. It may literally drown your arousal!
  6. Urinate: It is not easy to pee when you have an erection, but can drive the erection away.
  7. Relax: Take some deep breaths, and try to stay as calm as possible. If you get worked up about your erection, it may make it more difficult to end.
  8. Work it out: Get rid of pent-up energy by exercising. Go for a fast run or do some press-ups. Keep going until you've worked up a sweat.

Feeling horny is a normal part of growing up and happens to everyone. But you don’t have to act on the feeling when it comes. In most situations, it’s best to try and ignore it. That way you can choose when to be sexual so you don’t have regrets later. It is important to be prepared for to be safe and healthy.


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itz cornie

Nice .. So important😁😀

4 years, 8 months Ago Report

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so important

5 years, 6 months Ago Report

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