Meet HIVhomegirl. She is 19 and hasn’t been feeling well. Her clinic wants to run some tests ... including an HIV test. But she looks so good, and she’s only had one boyfriend. It’s not possible she has HIV…. or is it?
How did HIVhomegirl contract HIV? And could she have given it to her boyfriend?
Read her story as it unfolds over 11 parts by clicking on the links below and travel the journey from diagnosis to recovery with her.
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HIVhomegirl 1: I look so good
Me Positive? Not Possible.
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HIVhomegirl 2: What if this isn’t flu?
Could this be HIV?
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HIVhomegirl 3: It must be a mistake
The news gets worse
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HIVhomegirl 4: Could I have infected him?
My mind’s going crazy
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HIVhomegirl 5: ARVs saved my life
Forget waiting to die!
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HIVhomegirl 6: The call I was avoiding
It’s time to speak to him
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HIVhomegirl 7: Standing in line for my ARVs
Can it get more embarrassing?
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HIVhomegirl 8: Betrayed by my body again
The worst possible let-down
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HIVhomegirl 9: I can hide my status
Behind my pretty face
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HIVhomegirl 10: My secret’s out
Is this a bad thing?
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HIVhomegirl 11: HIV’s not just a virus
It's a game of life
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