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What’s free at a clinic?

And what costs?

Most countries have both government-run clinics as well as private clinics that offer medical treatment. There are also rural health centres and rural health posts.

Treatment at any government-run clinic or health post, as well as any medication, is often free. These free services can include diagnosis, medication and treatment, family planning services, antenatal and postnatal support, HIV counselling and testing, ARVs, TB treatment and dental services.

If the clinic does not have the medication you need, you may (rarely) have to buy it at a pharmacy. Private clinics and doctors require payment.

Many clinics will give you a clinic card on your first clinic visit. It will have a personal reference number on it. The clinic will have a book of all reference numbers so that when you next visit, they can see your medical history. But don’t worry, this information is kept private!

All government clinics are meant to offer the same health services, however this is not always the case. Some may be short of staff, equipment and infrastructure so you may find your nearest clinic does not have the service or commodities you need, and you may have to travel further.

Your first stop is always your nearest clinic. You can find one by using the Tune Me Clinic Finder at the bottom of the page. Look out for mobile clinics visiting your area.


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