As you grow up, you are going to have questions about sexuality and sex, it can sometimes be embarrassing to ask your parents certain questions. But it’s important to know about sex so you need to find someone or somewhere you can go to learn more about it.
Why not try:
A responsible adult you trust
Health centres
Your church pastor or layman
School guidance and counselling clubs
Youth friendly corners in clinics and hospitals
Your friends
Get more information from the media (radio, TV, newspapers, internet)
NGOs and CSOs such as Youthnet and Counselling (YONECO), FPAM, BLM, UNFPA, UNICEF, Police Victim Support Unit, Community Victim Support Units
Get educated about sexual reproductive health, your sexuality and your rights!
116 - The Tithandizane Helpline, a toll-free child protection line that is available 24/7 on Airtel, TNM, Access and MTL networks
5900 - Malawi Y- Report SMS Platform under YONECO
5600- GBV Crisis Line (includes HIV and SRH)
6600- Drug and Substances Crisis Line
997 - Police helpline – 997 (Rape crisis, domestic violence, sexual abuse)
There is a lot of information in the media. Google it. Or you can visit one of the centres below.
Once Stop Centers
Name: Mulanje District Hospital One Stop Centre
District: Mulanje
Category: Malawi Government Dept/Agency
Services: One Stop Centre
Focal Point: Morris Chalusa
Title: Clinical Officer
Contact Number: +(265) 884177919
Name: Chikwawa District One Stop Centre
District: Chikwawa
Category: Malawi Government Dept/Agency
Services: One Stop Centre
Name: Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital One Stop Centre
District: Blantyre
Category: Malawi Government Dept/Agency
Services: One Stop Centre
Focal Point: Mphatso Mapiri
Title: Medical
Contact Number: +(265) 999777292
Name: Chiradzulu District Hospital One Stop Centre
District: Chiradzulu
Category: Malawi Government Dept/Agency
Services: One Stop Centre
Focal Point: Charles Ngalande
Title: Clinical Officer
Contact Number: +(265) 888299249
Name: Zomba General Hospital One Stop Centre
District: Zomba
Category: Malawi Government Dept/Agency
Services: One Stop Centre
Focal Point: Singano Juma
Title: Clinical Officer
Contact Number: +(265) 991055640
Name: Machinga District Hospital One Stop Centre
District: Machinga
Category: Malawi Government Dept/Agency
Services: One Stop Centre
Focal Point: Charles Tsumba
Title: DHO - Focal Point
Contact Number: +(265) 881345883
Name: Mangochi District Hospital One Stop Centre
District: Mangochi
Category: Malawi Government Dept/Agency
Services: One Stop Centre
Focal Point: Magret Nkusa
Title: Health Focal Point
Contact Number:+(265) 888392899
Name: Dedza District Hospital One Stop Centre
District: Dedza
Category: Malawi Government Dept/Agency
Services: One Stop Centre
Focal Point: Mr Joseph Thole
Title: OSC Coordinator
Contact Number: +(265) 888306727
Name: Kamuzu Central Hospital One Stop Centre
District: Lilongwe
Category: Malawi Government Dept/Agency
Services: One Stop Centre
Focal Point: Dr Mmangitsa
Title: One Stop Centre Coordinator
Name: Salima District Hospital
District: Salima
Category: Malawi Government Dept/Agency
Services: One Stop Centre
Focal Point: Lyton Chithonje
Title: Focal Point
Contact Number:+(265) 882268790 or +(265) 888162318
Name: Dowa District Hospital One Stop Centre
District: Dowa
Category: Malawi Government Dept/Agency
Services: One Stop Centre
Focal Point: Exvin Chipoya
Title: OSC Coordinator
Contact Number: +(265) 881608206
Other Contact Number: +265 1 282 208
Name: NkhataBay District Hospital One Stop Centre
District: NkhataBay
Category: Malawi Government Dept/Agency
Services: One Stop Centre
Focal Point: Pemphero Mfune
Title: DHO-Focal Point
Contact Number: +(265) 888312885
Name: Mzuzu Hospital One Stop Centre
District: Mzuzu
Category: Malawi Government Dept/Agency
Services: One Stop Centre
Focal Point: Hilda Phiri
Title: Clinician-Focal Point
Contact Number: +(265) 884466315
Name: Karonga District Hospital One Stop Centre
District: Karonga
Category: Malawi Government Dept/Agency
Services: One Stop Centre
Focal Point: Ruth Ngwalo
Title: One Stop Centre Coordinator
Contact Number: +(265) 888874158
Name: Chitipa District Hospital One Stop Centre
District: Chitipa
Category: Malawi Government Dept/Agency
Services: One Stop Centre
Focal Point: Dexter Kamnyanya
Title: OSC Coordinator Chief Clinical Officer
Contact Number: +(265) 884388582
Women and Law In Southern Africa (WLSA) – for help on GBV domestic violence, sexual abuse, and physical abuse and health services
Malawi National Office
Private Bag 534
Tel: +(265)-1-841-534
Contact Number: +(265)-888-829-033 / 0999-929-033 or
Banja La Mtsogolo (BLM)
Off Independence Drive, City Centre
P.O. Box 1854,
Family Planning Association of Malawi (FPAM)
Private Bag B424
Capital City
Lilongwe 3
Contact Number:+(265)-1-773-915