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But to me it's hard someone cheated me and I find it hard to love another man maybe I will try doing so but I think staying single can help but at the same moment am having a crush on this other guy but am afraid to love him

3 years, 12 months Ago Report

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But to me it's hard someone cheated me and I find it hard to love another man maybe I will try doing so but I think staying single can help but at the same moment am having a crush on this other guy but am afraid to love him

3 years, 12 months Ago Report

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I also faced the same challenge some months ago. The only thing I suggested to make her prove my words is that, I tell my girl friend every move am making and am open to he to tell her my past love experience . when she followed my moves she always find the same thing u was telling her. Then she started to believe and trust me.

4 years, 11 months Ago Report

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