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No money. No hope?

How to Change your Future

Being poor can suck the life right out of you. You can feel as if there is no hope. No future. No way out. It feels as if life is just a struggle and it will never get better. But it can get better. There is a way out of poverty and hopelessness and it starts with taking small steps to a better life. Some of life’s big winners come from the poorest beginnings.

Here are some practical ways you can make a difference in your life:

If you feel you can't cope with your life, speak to someone who can help. Find a counsellor, teacher, church elder, relative or another adult you trust. There are people and organisations out there that can help you. You don't have to suffer alone. Call 116 for help.


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I have learnt from this

5 years, 7 months Ago Report

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Seda Bonzo

Many young people today we are in stress and anxiety due to falling in love relationship which brings much problems in life.let me say that we must do things according to time and everything has its on time to happen.

5 years, 8 months Ago Report

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