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Content appropriate for readers 15 and older

Six health checks

That can literally save your life

Are you fighting fit….or ignoring a health problem?

These are the check-ups you need to make sure you're in good shape.

For men and women:

Get an STI test: If you're sexually active, then you are open to getting an STI, such as chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, genital lice, hepatitis, HPV, herpes and HIV. If you’ve noticed a change in your body, visit your nearest clinic to get tested. This could be itchiness or a rash on your genitals, burning when you urinate or a smelly discharge. But, also note that some STIs do not have signs and symptoms, especially in women.

Get tested for HIV. Knowing your status is the best way to protect you and your partner.

Check your blood pressure. If you smoke or are overweight, this can be a health risk.

Get immunized against HPV, the virus that caused genital warts in men and women and cervical cancer in women, especially before you become sexually active.

For young men:

Get circumcised. It can reduce your chances of contracting HIV by up to 60% (unfortunately not your lady’s).

For young women:

Get a pap smear. It's the best way to see if you have cells in your cervix that may cause cancer. Women who have regular pap smears are less likely to develop cervical cancer than those who don't.

If you look after your body while you're young, it will treat you well when you're older. Do you exercise, eat healthy food, and generally take care of your health - or not so much?


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Thanks you I learned from you.

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