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How I score a date

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3...

I have to confess that I play a few games with the girl I like if I want to get date. Here’s my one strategy:

First, I identify my target - the girl I am interested in. Let’s say she's hanging in a group. I will approach the group then I just look straight at the girl I want and smile and say ‘hi’.

I introduce myself to her and then ask her "Are these your friends?"

She will obviously say yes. Then I smile and say “Will you please be a good girl and introduce me to your friends?”

When she introduces me, I will devote all my attention to one of her friends to make her a bit jealous. But only for a few minutes.

I will make her friend laugh a lot. I don’t go too far - only up to a certain point because I don't want the girl I am really interested in to begin hating me.

Then I will turn to the whole group and make them laugh a bit with my jokes. Only then do I turn to my target. I will touch her on her shoulder to make her feel comfortable with me and just be free. It won’t be difficult for me to arrange a date because by then we will be friends.

Depending on how it goes, I might ask for her mobile number or I will just set a time and date. If I got her number, then the moment I reach home, I will give her a call to arrange our next date. The rest just falls into place like magic!

Dating can be fun or it can be stressful! It's a good way to get to know another person and find out if they are someone you want to spend more time with.


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Well....nice picture.

3 months, 4 weeks Ago Report

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Wow nice

1 year Ago Report

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